
Let us examine in detail some of the most important flavonoids, starting with quercitin, a white flavonoid as well as a natural antihistamine, even though it is little known generally. It is one of the most important substances on the face of the planet because it is the queen against allergies and inflammations. We know that the intestine is not just the stomach and a tube, but it contains 70% of the lymphatic immune system, due to which it should be respected religiously, and not insulted every day with abominable and bizarre junk food, assumed randomly or on the basis of habits which are as familiar and they are damaging.

Hesperidin and the anti arthritic effect of collagen

Hesperidin is a flavonoid, and a specific protector of veins and arteries, that one finds in the internal pulp and in the skin more than in the juice of citrus fruit. Its alcohol or aglycone is called hesperidin. Quercitin together with hesperidin increases the resistance of capillaries and regulates their permeability. They also have a strong anti-arthritic action in the sense that they stop the degeneration of collagen. Hesperidin increases the efficiency of collagen in cox-artrosics and even reinforces connective tissue.

A natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine

Quercitin is the best natural anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic and antihistamine. It inhibits the presence of histamine stabilizing the basofili. It controls the degranulization of mastociti, basofili e neutrofili. It inhibits the synthesis of citochine and their effect on articular tissues. The citochine or citoleuchine are protein molecules produced by the immune-hematopoietic system, capable of favouring production, differentiation and death in other cells. Quercitin reduces the synthesis of chemio-tactic substances assigned to recall inflammatory cells in circulation.

Anti-hemorragic, anti labial and vaginal herpes

Quercitin inhibits the calcio-ossigenasi e lipo-ossigenasi enzymes, capable of reducing the principle inflammatory hystamine, bradichinina e PGE2 (prostaglandin) agents. It is also a modulator of ansiogeni states. Essential for the oxidation of vitamin C, it protects from hemorrage and the rupture of capillaries. The fragility of blood vessels causes reddish marks and oedema under the skin, other than mini internal hemorrages and the accumulation of fluid in tissues (water retention). Together with lysine (lisina) it is the best natural substance against labial and vaginal herpes.

Things that counter parkinson’s and alzheimers’

It is a free radical scavenger and therefore operates by directly subtracts free radicals from operating in the body. It has anti-apoptoica (protects from neuro-muscular damage) and cytoprotective action. It resolves damage caused by hydrogen peroxide (free radicals) and thus blocks Parkinsons’ and Alzheimers. It relieves prostatitis and pelvic pain. It alleviates fatigue and increases the number of mitochondria within the cells and therefore the energetic power of the cellular system. It is ideal for people who are tired, depressed and enervated. It augments aerobic power by 3.9% (or the VO2 max, the maximum consummation of oxygen). It increases forceful physical resistance by 13.2%, and is therefore very important for sports people.

Pure quercitin and quercitin glycoside

Materially speaking pure quercitin is greenish-yellow compound insoluble in water, while its compounds and glycosidic derivatives are more hydro-soluble. 25% of the pure dose ingested, is absorbed by the small intestine through the portal cycle (portal vein), goes to the liver which re-distributes it to the various tissues of the body. Quescitin glycoside on the other hand, is absorbed directly by the colon, where the intestinal flora hydrolyses glycosides. We find abundant quercitin in hypericum (St. John’s wort), fennel, turnips, garlic, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, broad beans, lupins, chick peas, broccoli, mustard greens, watercress, cherries (especially sour, bitterish ones) onion, cappers, apples, red and white grapes, red chilly, paprika, ginger, red wine (though alcohol damages), green tea (with acidic damage).


read more about catechin