Now we come to catechins which are powerful antioxidant polyphenols, soluble in water, and easily oxidized. 2000 catechins are known to have a flavon structure, so they are also called flavonoids. They act through their capacity to easily attach themselves to proteins and also to noxious metals (lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, nickel). They counteract free radicals, slow aging, reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood and prevent the narrowing of blood vessels and thus arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes, by lowering blood pressure, blocking sugar-absorbing enzymes and preventing diabetes. They fight the aggregation of platelets, dysentery, cholera, gum disease and gastric ulcers. They create intestinal symbiosis by favouring usefull bacteria like bifidus. Catechins even act as disintoxicants and chelating agents.
Catechins out-perform vitamins
Catechins out perform by 10 times vitamin C and vitamin E in collecting alchilico perossile. Amongst catechins are included substances like CE, ECG, EGC EGCG, called “catechin-inclusive substances”. EGCG means for example epigallocatechin gallate and is the most potent of these catechins, being 25-100 times more antioxidant than vitamin C and vitamin E.
Carotenoids, molecules of wellbeing
Carotinoids are lipo-soluble, yellow, orange and red pigments – more than 700 substances identified till now. The most important are alfa-carotene, beta carotene, beta-cryptoxanthine, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. Zeaxanthins for example are present in the ovaries, in the testicles and in the eye, where they exert a protective function against macular degeneration. They are found in peaches, pumpkin, apricots, paw paw, plums and in yellow flesh potatoes. Astaxanthin, called the ‘wellbeing’ molecule, belongs to the xantocillins.
Where there is lycopene, cancer can’t enter
Lycopene is also numbered amongst the most extraordinary substances. It’s enough just to know that its serum levels in the body are inversely proportional to the development of pancreatic and cervical cancer! It blocks free radicals and in particular singlet oxygen, it inhibits the peroxidation of lipids and possesses chemio-protective qualities. Lycopene confers a red colour to substances that contain them. Therefore tomatoes, watermelon, dark grapes, red guavas, red lettuce, red cabbages and such things are particularly important.
We haven’t conquered hymalayan heights but we are nearby
Having said all this, you will understand why when I hear people talking about B12 and Omega-3, it makes my head spin anti-clockwise. And another important thing to be added is, nobody thinks they have conquered K2 and are now about to sleep on the wing. Pharmaceutical power has already laid its hands on these things. Afterall big laboratories, filled with men in white coats who work there from morning to night, are always part of Big Pharma and Big Pharma alone, Monsanto and Monsanto alone.
The markets’ voracity is always in the foreground
These people have no intention of changing their mentality and opting for natural things. They have only just sniffed the existence of a great new gold vein to be exploited. They try to mimic natural products and re-propose them in the form of as many supplements, ignoring the fundamental fact that antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, catechins and quercitin, just like real vitamins and real minerals do not lend themselves to these prestigious games. One only has to go into various internet sites to find new miraculous products. They have aromas, yes, perfumes, yes, colours, yes, everything is above board, but only apparently. The new flavonoids in arrival have a sweetish chemical smell, and not a whiff of fresh country air.
For these people ecology means clean and functional highways, antiseptic air, phosphorescent colours, tanning lamps, alkaline water, devitalized juices, viagral excitement, artificial dolls, formal signs of the cross, vivisection and quadrupling the number of well hidden guillotines, plus standard-ized fast food, powdered polyphenols, and more general vitalization for all with hectolitres of red blood per capita, per year. A soulless, plastic world of cement where a blade of grass only gets on one’s nerves.